Tom and Deborah Nite – International Biblical Training, Inc.

 February 17, 2025

Deborah’s Brother

”Our days on earth are like grass; like wildflowers, we bloom and die”-Psalm 103:15. This Scripture became more real to us when on January 26th, without warning, Deborah’s 62-year-old brother, David Brian Ailey, passed into the presence of the Lord. His funeral service was February 8th. Please pray for Deborah, her sister Theresa, and their mother, Gladys.
Many thanks to all who prayed for us, sent cards, texts, and flowers that lifted us up during this time. Please continue to pray for the family as the shock waves continue to come from time to time. And pray for extra strength for Deborah as she bears the weight of taking caring of his estate as as well as her mother.
Teaching at Moldova Bible Seminary
I have been asked to teach the Book of Romans at MBS starting in late March. Pray for me as I prepare to teach this important letter of Paul that is so full of doctrine and practical instruction for the Christian life. We planned for Deborah to join me, but because of increased responsibilities she will stay at home. She must also provide extra support for her mother since her brother visited her frequently.
If you missed our last prayer letter, you may wonder why teaching at MBS is important. The president of Dallas Seminary recently wrote, “…there is one trained pastor in the United States for every 230 people…outside of the US, …only one trained pastor for every 450,000 people” (Dr. Yarbrough’s letter 12/3/2024).
Only 1% of American seminary grads serve outside the US. But every person WE train improves the statistic for the rest of the world! Our work in Eastern Europe and Africa is crucial!
Wells for India – Thank You!
Godwin is working on the next well project. Thank you for giving! We hope to have photos and an update next month!
Africa Project 2025
We are excited to announce that once again, in partnership with ONIM Ministerial and Leadership College, and Lord willing we will be a crucial part of the 9 weeks of training in Ghana, West Africa. The training includes classes in Bible, Theology, and Ministry Skills. Last year 49 students completed this training! We are asking the Lord to do it again this year with your help! Your gifts provide food, lodging and materials for this important equipping event. Please visit our website: to see pictures and more details. WE need YOUR help now to reach our goal!

THANK YOU for your faithful prayers & financial support! YOUR partnership with us last month made a huge difference! From the bottom of our hearts, “thank you!”
  • When you support Tom and Deborah Nite, you make it possible for us to equip nationals for a lifetime of ministry. They will make disciples who will in turn make other disciples.
  • When you support projects, like wells and the Africa project, you create a bonus effect. Wells communicate God’s love and care tangibly. People are eager to hear about this God who loves them. The Africa project equips nationals to be disciple makers who will fulfill the Great Commission in their own countries to the glory of God!
Thank you for making both possible!
THANK YOU for your faithful prayer & financial support!
YOUR partnership with us means so much!
Your direct support of our ministry
makes it possible for us to equip nationals for a lifetime of ministry, like in Moldova.
Your gifts for projects, like wells and food kits, are a bonus
that extends our ministry reach to the ends of the earth!
Our Web address is


 January 14, 2025

Moldova, Food Boxes, Opportunities
Your prayers for my Moldova Bible Seminary teaching trip were answered! Praise the Lord! I had a joyous time teaching and interacting with the 14 students in my class. They were so eager to learn, soaking up everything like sponges. They were a teacher’s dream! Check out the photo below!
In addition to the students, I was able to reconnect with several of the alumni from previous classes. One is in the preaching rotation for his church. Others are active in various ministries, including ministry to youth and adults.
Right: Tom and Alina, his former student and interpreter and current English teacher at the Seminary, are showing the Christmas gifts given to each by the seminary.
Left: Timofei with Tom. Tim was the top student in the Bible Doctrine class in Moldova. He is an impressive student and loves the Lord. I know that God is going to do great things through him.
One of the highlights was working closely with Slava Mita, who was a student in the seminary in the first class I taught there in 2004—20 years ago. Today, he serves as the dean of Moldova Bible Seminary and one of the professors, too. He is doing a great job of preparing the next generation of pastors for Moldova. Right: Shown are Slava, Tom, and Slava’s son, Timothy
You may be asking, “Why is what you do so important?” The President of Dallas Theological Seminary recently shared: “…there is one trained pastor in the United States for every 230 people. The situation is dire outside of the US, where there is only one trained pastor for every 450,000 people” (Dr. Mark Yarbrough’s letter of December 3, 2024).
Pastors trained in American seminaries are not going to change that statistic for people living outside the US. But every person WE train will change the statistic of only one trained pastor for every 450,000 people! Our work training pastors in Moldova, Ukraine, and Africa is crucial!
Wells and Food Boxes For India – Thank You!
A third well is funded and now in the works—more on that next month. Your gifts are causing great rejoicing among those who now have fresh drinking water in their villages!
Below, a Pastor prays a prayer of dedication for the new well we provided in his village.
For some reason officials are not willing to disclose, the government of India delayed delivering our money for food boxes. Praise the Lord, the funds have now been released and food given to the intended recipients. See the photos below showing a few of the 25 food baskets distributed to those in need in India. Thank you for giving to help these dear ones!
THANK YOU for your faithful prayers & financial support! YOUR partnership with us last month made a huge difference!
Your direct support of our ministry makes it possible for us to equip nationals for a lifetime of ministry.
Your gifts for projects, like wells, food kits and the Africa project, are a bonus that extends our ministry reach to the ends of the earth!